The Owners: Our Story


The passion to restore and share our palazzo is born from our shared desire to immerse ourselves in the heart and soul of Italy in an authentic Tuscan hill town.

The passion to restore and share our palazzo is born from our shared desire to immerse ourselves in the heart and soul of Italy in an authentic Tuscan hill town. We are Americans who have fallen in love with this amazing town and its warm, loving people. They have welcomed us into their beautiful world and have enjoyed our restoration adventure as they entrusted us to preserve the integrity of this very important home located inside the walls of their ancient but still vibrant village.

Perched on and spilling over stone, earth, and ancient city walls, the hill towns of Tuscany are the “keepers of the stories” indeed the history of Italy through time. Montalcino, in the province of Siena and in the very heart of Tuscany, is a true living, breathing example of that glorious past with layers of history dating back to the time of the Etruscans. Today it is a vibrant, beautiful town, rich in families who trace their stories back centuries. Enjoy hearing the laughter of the children as they play in the village and feel the love and respect that is given to the elders. With glorious landscape, glorious historical buildings, fine food and a truly world class wine, Montalcino is the very essence of what Tuscany promises to be.

We want you to visit, sit for a while in the Piazza Cavour as Mario tenderly and lovingly tends his beautiful flowers. Have an espresso with the locals resting and chatting there. Look across the city walls to the exquisite Val d’Orcia , Val d’Asso, the Ombrone and Arbia valleys, at vineyards full of promise and olive groves with deep and old roots. For a few days, belong here… We are invited in. Join us.